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2022-23 season Information

2022 Summer Information


Mandated CIF Dead Period:  June 7 - June 19, 2022


Summer Camp

  • June 20 to July 8, 8:45 AM to 12:15 PM 

  • All returning players are welcome

  • Any incoming Bulldogs with significant swim or playing experience are also welcome. 

  • Cost:  $185 per player 

  • Sign up for camp through the Portola Webstore on or after June 7th. 


Intro to Water Polo Clinic

  • August 8 to August 12, 12 PM to 2 PM

  • For new players at any grade level!! Details TBD




Before you participate in any summer water polo programs, all athletes MUST be CLEARED by the Athletic Department. NO EXCEPTIONS.  (Note: You must create a new account on every year, regardless of what year in school you are in) 

  1. ATHLETIC CLEARANCE:  On/After May 9th, create account and log-in to and start a new clearance for PortolaHS (CIFSS) and the 2022-23 school year.  Please be sure to complete all requested fields

  2. Make an appointment for a sports physical conducted by a licensed medial professional (i.e. your primary care doctor), and UPLOAD completed form dated after May 1st to athletic clearance account (IUSD Physical Form)

  3. CONFIRMATION:  When you have completed your athletic clearance online, please print/sign/date final confirmation page and UPLOAD it to your account, in addition to your physical form (as a separate document).  Once completed, email the PHS Athletic Department (  We will review/verify your clearance via email and will send you final approval






Follow us on Instagram:  @portolawaterpolo

NCAA Eligibility Center

2021-2022 Athletic Clearance Process


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