Portola High School is the latest traditional and comprehensive public high school within the Irvine Unified School District. Located on 43 acres of a former marine air base, Portola pays homage to its military roots with the selection of a bulldog as its mascot, the USMC’s unofficial mascot. Committed to fulfilling community, parent, and student needs, the planning team at Portola gathered input from community members, parents of incoming students, current students across the district, and incoming students to ensure engagement of all stakeholders through its stages of planning and development. Ultimately, Portola decision makers’ work centered on their dedication to forming “whole” and balanced students in an era of ever-changing demands. The school will continue to expand one grade level at a time for the next four years.
alma mater
"Between mighty sea and mountain tall, Stands our Portola proud. She leads the way with strength and light; Her resolve and courage avowed. With purple, silver, and black adorned, Steadfast our love for you. We’d gladly give our hearts to thee Hail Portola, forever true."
asb co-and extracurricular activities
The many opportunities to begin or participate in organizations, clubs and activities (called either co-or extracurricular activities) are an essential part of modern education. Such activities are guided by moderators and are considered as an essential part of the total educational program of Portola High School. Every student would benefit from being involved in some phase of the activity program as a supplement to classroom instruction. The more the student is a part of the total school program and feels connected to the school, the more intense will be his/her satisfaction and sense of belonging.
Associated Student Body Cabinet
The Associated Student Body (ASB) Cabinet is the major student organization on campus. It charters all campus clubs, represents students before the school staff and the District, and finances and sponsors a large number of student activities and special events. Information is available in the ASB Office, the Portola Activities Center (PAC), from the Activities Director, or any ASB Officer.
Clubs & Organizations
Only chartered clubs may officially meet and function as a Portola High School organization. To be chartered, a club is required to have a faculty sponsor, club charter, membership list and to be approved by the ASB Cabinet.
The ASB Cabinet shall control the activities of all organization fund-raising and activities. All club activities must be approved in advance by the ASB and PHS administration. The Clubs Commissioner or Activities Director must be contacted for planning any fund-raising projects.
Students interested in forming a club on campus should first contact a teacher interested in sponsoring them and then come to the P.A.C. office for necessary details. Clubs and other organizations, including class organizations, will be legally chartered when they have their application approved by the ASB Cabinet. Until the club or organization is sanctioned and chartered there can be no fund-raising or meetings.
club kick-off day
Students are encouraged to sign up for clubs during Club Kick-Off Day, which is held in September. New clubs, with approval from the ASB cabinet, may petition for approval in Spring for the following school year. For a list of current clubs, please look at our Club Directory. Below are examples of clubs:
- Academic Decathlon
- Junior Classical League
- Best Buddies
- Make-A-Wish
- Chess Club
- Math Club
- CubeSat Club
- Mock-Trial
- Doctors without Borders
- Model United Nations
- Drama Club
- Speech and Debate
A.S.B. Cards
All students will be given an ID. card during registration. Students will be expected to carry it with them at all times. An ASB designation, which turns an ID card into an A.S.B. Card, may be purchased for $50.00 from the P.A.C. Office during the school year or during registration.
Funds raised through the sale of A.S.B. Cards are used to defray student body activity expenses such as game officials, dances, assemblies, publicity of events, banquets for participants in school activities, letters for athletes and the performing arts, awards and certificates presented throughout the year, and many other miscellaneous expenses. Discounts at dances, free admission to home athletic events, reduced rates for theatrical productions, and rooter bus fares are made available by the purchase of an A.S.B. designation for the ID card. Besides these savings, the A.S.B. card identifies students as active members of the Associated Student Body of Portola High School. A.S.B. Cards are not transferable, and at no time shall a student lend his or her card to another student. Privileges will be forfeited if the card is loaned. Students must have an A.S.B. Card to receive an athletic/activities letter or trophy. Complete eligibility rules are posted in the Activities Office. Students are encouraged to purchase A.S.B. Cards during registration or from the P.A.C. Office.
Students participating in any of the following activities are encouraged to be an ASB cardholder:
- Associated Student Body Offices
- Class Council Offices
- Athletic Teams
- Pep Squad and Mascot
- Band and Pageantry
- Musicians
- Theatrical Performers
Athletic programs
Fall Sports
- Cross Country
- Football
- Water Polo
- Pep Squad (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
- Cross Country
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- Golf
- Flag Football
- Pep Squad (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
Winter Sports
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Wrestling
- Pep Squad (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Wrestling
- Water Polo
- Pep Squad (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
Spring Sports
- Baseball
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Track
- Volleyball
- Golf
- Lacrosse
- Pep Squad (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
- Softball
- Swimming
- Track
- Lacrosse
- Pep Squad (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
Students have a primary responsibility for their own degree of success in achievement and adjustment in school. To participate in extracurricular activities, students will:
- Know what the policy requires of them and where they stand at all times in terms of their own eligibility.
- Attend classes on a regular and punctual basis except when too ill to come to school, and promptly make up all assignments missed due to necessary absence.
- Understand the subject content, specific course requirements, and the criteria for grading practices in each class.
- Be aware of homework requirements and complete all homework assignments.
- Take home for review by their parents/guardians all progress reports, report cards, and other communications forms requiring parental/guardian signature.
- Keep their parents/guardians informed of the progress they are making in school and their eligibility status of extracurricular participation.
- Schedule their time in such a way as to keep up with their class work and still be able to participate in extracurricular activities.
- Request assistance from the classroom teacher when they do not understand an assignment or material which has been presented.
- Take advantage of other assistance which the school may suggest or make available. Portola High School recognizes the value of participation in sports, especially on the interscholastic level. Athletics, along with other extracurricular activities, teaches a student such values as positive interpersonal relationships, leadership in every community, academic and athletic balance, healthy decision making, and integrity in competition. Extracurricular activities are not part of the regular school curriculum, generally take place out of classroom time, and often involve performances before an audience or spectators. Extracurricular activities may include, but are not limited to, athletic teams, pep squads, student government, musical performance groups, dramatics, forensics, special interest clubs, service clubs, etc. To participate in extracurricular activities and to maintain satisfactory eligibility status on a quarter basis, all students must meet the following standards:
Athletic & Extracurricular Eligibility
CIF stipulates that to be eligible for athletics, a student must have earned the equivalent of 20 semester credits of new work the previous reporting period.
Students changing schools without changing primary residences may jeopardize athletic eligibility.
California Interscholastic Eligibility policies will govern the participation of all students in athletic programs in the Irvine Unified School District. Students participating in any school-sponsored activity which requires extensive time outside of the regular school day shall also comply with eligibility requirements of the Irvine Unified School District.
Eligibility requirements for participation in activities are:
- Previous quarter GPA 2.0
- Pass 4 classes previous quarter
- Enrollment in at least 5 classes
Participants who do not maintain the required GPA are placed on academic probation for the subsequent quarter. Students on academic probation will work with school staff to monitor progress and provide guidance and support. Two consecutive quarters of failure to meet the GPA requirement for participation will result in ineligibility for the subsequent quarter. Ineligible status will continue until eligibility requirements are met.
During the four high school years, no student will be placed on academic probation more than once.
Academic Probation
During the four high school years, students whose GPA during the previous quarter falls below the participation requirement, are entitled to one 9-week probationary period. During the probationary period, the student may continue to participate in the activity, and the student is provided additional academic support. The school staff shall have in place a plan under which students on probation receive additional guidance and support during the probationary period. Such support shall typically include more frequent monitoring of achievement, plans for structured study-time, and additional study support where necessary. A student who has participated under a probation period and earns a GPA of less than 2.0 during any subsequent quarter becomes immediately ineligible without provision for probation and remains ineligible until all requirements are met. Only students passing 4 classes are eligible for Academic Probation.
Activity during Ineligibility
Eligibility is checked at the end of each 9-week reporting period. Ineligible students may not participate in scheduled performances or events during the period of ineligibility.
Ineligible students may continue to participate in activities during class time: however, participation outside class time is limited to scheduled practices or rehearsals.
Transfer Students & Eligibility
Eligibility for transfer students from outside the district shall be determined using the IUSD and CIF Policy.
PHS Dances
Students must present a valid PHS ID card in order to purchase a ticket or bid to any dance. For select dances, all students (both PHS and non-PHS students) will sign and agree to abide by the PHS dance agreement. Students will provide a name and phone number of a responsible parent or guardian. All non PHS attendees are the guest of a PHS student, and under 21 years of age. Picture ID will be required for guests.
Informal dances are open to Portola students only. To attend PHS formal dances all PHS students and guests need to complete a dance contract.
Alcohol/Drug-Free School Events Agreement
In the past, we have encouraged all parents to pledge to provide drug free activities, to refrain from providing drugs or alcohol to minors, and to monitor the activities of their sons and daughters to avoid potential tragedies and/or school consequences. We have also provided students with information regarding the dangers of using controlled substances and asked them to pledge to be drug free. Even with these efforts, unfortunate incidents before, during, and following school dances, athletic contests and school activities have occurred.
Although the expectation has always been that students attend school functions drug free, some students have chosen to ignore school policy and state law, attending school activities under the influence of controlled substances. Our concern for the safety and welfare of Portola High School students has prompted the development of this document. It has been established to explain, clarify, and encourage expected behavior prior to and at any Portola High School event or activity.
PHS students will attend school events drug free. Any student under the influence or in possession of drug paraphernalia or a controlled substance (drugs, placeboes, and/or alcohol) will not be permitted to enter or remain at school events (athletic competitions, dances, school activities, etc.). Students suspected of being under the influence of alcohol will be subjected to a breathalyzer test. If a student is under the influence, parents will be called to escort the student home and/or the local police will be asked to take custody of the student. A meeting with the student, parent and an administrator will be required prior to the student's return to classes. Appropriate consequences will be assigned at that time.
At all dances, no student will be admitted after 10:00 p.m. All guests at PHS dances must be under the age of twenty-one. Once students leave any dance, they are not permitted to re-enter.
general information
- The school building is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Students may access the front office before class, during snack and lunch, during office hours, and after school. Permission must be obtained to be in the office at any other time.
- The Portola Activities Office (P.A.C.) is open to service students. The specific times are posted outside the P.A.C.
- Students should identify their textbooks and school materials with their names and not lend books to other students. Fines are imposed if books are lost. All school-issued books will be covered to preserve the life of the text.
- Lost & found articles are to be turned in to the front office.
The assembly program is part of our total program which develops student growth and responsibility. Proper student behavior is expected by all. Students may NOT leave campus during assemblies. - CLOSED CAMPUS POLICY
Portola High School maintains a closed campus policy. Those leaving campus without written approval will receive a penalty. - PERSONAL PROPERTY
The loss of personal property will not be reimbursed by the school. - MESSAGES AND PHONES
To avoid unnecessary classroom disruptions, we are unable to deliver messages to students except in cases of extreme emergencies. The nature of all such emergencies must be established prior to the message delivery. In addition, to decrease classroom interruptions, flowers, balloons, etc. will not be accepted for delivery to students. All such items will be refused delivery at the front office. - VISITORS
Guests/visitors/friends of PHS students are not permitted on campus - see your Assistant Principal in advance for procedure and permission. Visitors are expected to abide by school regulations and must obtain a visitor's pass from the front office.