
Attendance Line: (949) 936-8201


Portola High School is committed to providing an outstanding education to its students, and this is reflected in the dedication on the part of the teachers and staff, along with the support of parents and students. It is realized that regular attendance is one of the key factors leading to success in high school. Both the number of absences and the promptness in which absences are cleared with the office are important. The teachers at Portola High School depend upon a prompt resolution to any absence, and these guidelines have been developed to assist in the process.

State regulations require that all absences be cleared through the Attendance Office by parents or legal guardians ONLY.  You may either call our Portola Attendance Line at 949-936-8201 or send a note within 3 school days of the absence. There is no guarantee that we will be able to excuse absences after 3 days.  Our attendance line is available 24/7.  All notes have to be written in ink and signed by parent or guardian.  Notes with parents' names printed will not be accepted. We are unable to accept e-mails to excuse absences.

The note or the phone call must contain:

Student Short-ID Number (This is the student's short Portola identification number located on the PHS student ID card)

First Name and Last Name (Please spell the name if you are using the school attendance line)

Date of Absence

All Periods Missed (If the absence is all day, say "All Day") or time of release

Reason for Absence

Parent or legal guardian signature   

PLEASE NOTE:  In order to limit classroom disruptions we will not call a student out of class within 10 minutes of class ending. Please make all arrangements with your student for them to leave during breaks or lunch. Students can bring a signed note to the attendance window prior to class starting stating the time they need to leave and what periods they will miss.  We will issue an early release pass. A message left on the attendance line will not be accepted to release your student from class early. 

If your student comes to the attendance window and does not have a note to excuse their absence or tardy, they will be issued an unexcused re-admit. They have 3 days to clear the absence, after that it will become a cut and will be handled by our Attendance Dean.

Remember you can use to check your student’s attendance, grades, etc...

All Attendance Line phone messages are picked-up throughout the day and will be noted by days’ end of the same day.  Messages left after hours will be noted the following school day.

Student Responsibility

Students are responsible for attending their classes on a regular basis, arriving on time, and in the event of an absence, making sure the school is made aware per the procedure stated below.

Parent/Guardian Responsibility

Parents/guardians are responsible for communicating with the PHS Attendance Office within three days of their son or daughter’s absence. The 24 hour taped Attendance Office line is (949) 936-8201, and this tape will be transcribed each school day. Parents may also alternatively choose to write a note to the Attendance Office; however, the three-day rule will still apply. When calling the automated attendance line, follow the instructions and leave the information requested. While all absences count toward the 5-, 10- and 15- day letters*, there are differences in how the absences are reported.

*This excludes days for religious observations or conference/meetings on campus) each semester.

Teacher Responsibility

Teachers are responsible for taking attendance each period they teach, accurately recording absences and tardies in ABI. It is the teacher’s responsibility to maintain integrity in assuring accuracy and prompt input of attendance.

Administration Responsibility

Attendance letters will be mailed out each week for students with 5, 10 and 15 absences from any period. Upon 15 absences, and upon the written referral by a teacher, the administration will assign an “F” grade for the semester class. Either the teacher or the administrator may be aware of extenuating circumstances which may affect the attendance status of a student. Consequences resulting from a truancy include after-school detention, Saturday School, and suspension. If a student uses a vehicle to leave campus inappropriately, or if a registered permit holder allows his or her car to be used by a student in order to leave campus without permission, the parking permit may be revoked.

Excused absence

(as permitted under California law): Includes illness, doctor’s appointment, attendance at a funeral, court appearance, or quarantine due to health concerns. Teachers will provide makeup work for missed assignments.

When requesting leave for religious holidays, court appearance, or to attend a funeral, students must bring a completed Justifiable Absence Form to the attendance window prior to the date of absence. The form can be found here. The Justifiable Absence form is only for absences 1 or 2 days in length. 

For absences between 5-15 days, the student can apply for Short-Term Independent Study. The agreement and directions can be found here. If you are interested in applying for Short-Term Independent Study, please come to the attendance window for further information.

Unexcused absence

Includes alarm clock trouble, oversleeping, car trouble, appointments at the motor vehicle department, trips to the airport, visiting relatives, etc. Teachers are not obligated to provide makeup work for missed assignments.

Truant absence

any willful non-attendance to class and/or any absence not cleared with Attendance Office within three school days following the absence. Teachers are not obligated to provide make-up work, and additional school consequences will be assigned (detention, Saturday School, suspension,etc.). 

Early Dismissal

We realize that students may need to leave school early from time to time, for doctor’s appointments, etc. Early dismissal absences will not be considered truant if your child brings a note to the attendance office prior to leaving campus. In the event that a student feels ill during the day, they should visit the Health Office to be evaluated and properly signed out. Students who leave campus without securing an early dismissal pass or visiting the Health Office are considered truant; with no makeup work from teachers.


Portola’s philosophy is that teachers should develop their own procedures to assure that students are punctual to class. Students should be made aware of the consequences for tardiness and that these consequences are consistently applied. Appropriate consequences may include related written assignments, after-school detention, and/or Saturday School. These consequences are assigned by the classroom teacher. Failure to serve or fulfill an assigned detention or Saturday School will result in a referral to an assistant principal. A “U” in citizenship may also become a consequence. A “U” on a student’s report card could make them ineligible for certain activities, such as ASB office. After student conferences and parent contacts have been made, and when tardiness becomes a matter of defiance, refer students to the appropriate administrator.