We are excited to share that the Irvine Public Schools Foundation surprised our school with a $20,000 Innovation Grant! Each year, IPSF grants help fund innovative approaches at schools throughout the district, which bring deeper meaning to curriculum and improve the educational experiences of students. Our winning project, a Graphic Novel Festival, will provide not only an all-day Graphic Novel extravaganza on campus to promote, support, and encourage literacy, but will also help to build our Graphic Novel collection in the PHS Library for years to come. This is an innovative way to invite students to see literature in a new light and to welcome them into joyful reading. This project is aimed at increasing student literacy, creating community through shared interests, and expanding access to literature for all students. These graphic novels will help to establish a culture of inclusive literacy that invites EVERYONE to participate.
We are excited to bring this innovation to our school thanks to IPSF! These grants would not be possible without parent donations to IPSF, so we would like to thank all of you who have supported IPSF.