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PHS Dance Company 2022/2023 Audition Info Session
This form is for dancers who missed the mandatory Audition Info Session in which all audition information and team requirements were covered in detail. After viewing the Zoom recording in its entirety, please complete this form as certification that you watched the meeting and are aware of all of the information presented.

Dancers and parents are responsible for knowing all of the information presented in our Mandatory Info Session.

Zoom Recording: (Passcode: vZbby7%b)
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Dancer First Name *
Dancer Last Name *
Dancer's Email *
Parent/Guardian First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Current School (Please write out full name) *
Current Grade Level *
Current PHS Dance class *
Student Signature (By typing your name below, you are confirming that you have watched the Zoom recording of our Dance Company Info Session in its entirety with a parent/guardian, and understand your responsibility in knowing the presented information. If yes, type your full name below.) *
Parent Signature (By typing your name below, you are confirming that you have watched the Zoom recording of our Dance Company Info Session in its entirety with your student, and understand your responsibility in knowing the presented information. If yes, type your full name below.) *
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